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Australia Visa Medical Examination (Aged 15 or above) (SCH-IME-00020)

Regular price $1,620.00

客戶必須於3個月內 (由確認付款日期起計) 使用有關檢查,逾期作廢。詳情請檢閱 購買須知
The customer must use the relevant examination within 3 months (from the date of confirmation of payment), and it will be invalid after the deadline. Please refer Purchase Notes for details.

Australia Visa Medical Examination (Aged 15 or above) (SCH-IME-00020)

Since the early 1990s, UMP has been offering medical examinations in Hong Kong and Mainland China for overseas visa application. Our medical centres have been accredited and selected by the Canadian, New Zealand, British, and Australian consulates as designated Visa Medical Examination centres for immigrant visa, student visa, working holiday visa or working visa applications. The examination package will be customized according to the requirements of the visa types.



501 Medical Examination

502 Chest X-Ray Examination

705 Serum Creatinine and eGFR 


For you attention, listed below blood test(s) may also be shown on your referral letter as requested by the consulate:

707 HIV Test – HK$450

708 Hepatitis B Test – HK$300

716 Hepatitis C Test– HK$500

719 TB Screening Test - IGRA or TST – HK$2,200


The above items need to be paid on the day of medical examination.


Click HERE for online booking or call our designated service hotline for further details:

Australia: (852) 3950 8828


If the required date is not available online, please contact with our service hotline for further enquiries.


Click HERE to understand more information about Visa Medical Examination Service